Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA. Student of d Architecture, Deylaman Institute of Higher Education, Gilan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Faculty Member of Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.

3 Faculty member of architecture and art faculty, Deylaman higher education institute, Lahijan, Iran.

4 Lecturerof urban design at Deylaman Institute of Higher Education, Lahijan, Iran.

5 Assiatant Prof. of architecture and urban design at Tabriz branch, Azad Islamic uiversity. Tabriz, Iran.


Urban population growth and proper land-use constraints have inevitably led to the existence of high-rise residential buildings. However, residential towers require more attention in planning, design and implementation phases. One of the main issues in these towers is the lack of a role of territory and privacy in the design and construction of the building which will reduce the indicators of environmental sustainability and quality of life for residents. The purpose of this research is to investigate the continuity, functional and physical-space factors, in the form of hypotheses and to prioritize them in order to realize how the territory influences the quality of life of residents and to assess its place in designing residential towers to evaluate the desired site in Gholipour, Rasht. The research method is a combination of descriptive-analytical methods and information gathering is in the form of documentary and fieldwork. Based on the population of Rasht, 384 of the questionnaires were answered correctly. Analysis was performed by SPSS, and evaluation of permeability and readability, visual connections and integration was performed through spatial arrangement. The results showed that functional factors with Beta coefficient of 0.415, building integrity (0.389) and physical-spatial factors (0.228) should be considered in creating the realm of residential towers design, respectively. Space Syntax also showed that the Gholipour district has an average territory level, and it is possible to design a residential tower on the site, with analysis of access, security, interconnection, and other metrics that are a subset of assumptions.

Graphical Abstract

Application of territory structure in the design of residential towers aimed at improving quality of life: the case of Rasht
