Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Urban Design, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran.

2 Assistant professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran.


the shrine of the Holy Imams (PBUH) and the Imamzadeh is a spiritual place for worship and knowledge. Space creativity in meeting individual and collective needs in the courtyard, dome, and shabestaans of religious buildings are observable. The creative intervention in expanding the landscape, the interconnection of space and the space openness has made the sociability and the feeling of being together of believers. Valuing Islam to society, being together and displaying this blessed congregation led to paying attention to the Friday prayer and Mosalla. This paper introduced the evolution of space patterns in the courtyard, shabestaan and dome of some mosques and schools by combining analytical and interpretive methods and a continuous and readable space was formed in the form of open and semi-open courtyards and joints from the north to the south courtyard and surveying and drawing maps of the development plan of Abdul- Azim’s (PBUH) holy shrine indicated that a continuous and readable space is formed in the form of open and semi-open courtyards and joints from the north to the south courtyard and Mosalla’s space in the development plan by placing the index elements on the yard and through interconnecting the scenes. Other courtyards around the dome of the holy shrines of Imamzadeh were interconnected through the hallway joint. The architect designed three courtyards directly connected to the shrine of Imamzadeh and created a spiritual and exhilarating atmosphere by continuing to utilize the neighborhoods patterns of shabestaans with courtyards and strived to provide people with greater levels of understanding of space and a sense of presence in the community by promoting creativity in space efficiency. Masjid-e Imam in Isfahan and the courtyard of Mosalla in the micro-pattern reached more space openness in connecting to the porch and the courtyard attached to the apron. It expands a space continuity in Mosalla’s interior space and a unit space on the ceiling of the domed cross jointly and equally, and the shabestaan attached to. Space openness alongside space continuity is made dynamics as one of the most important parts of visual experience in dome space in order to create a perceptual and visual balance and caused the exhilaration of users. The shrine’s Mosalla is responsive to individual worship with certain privacy and to a social place with fluidity and space flexibility. 

Graphical Abstract

The Role of Built Environment in Urban Sustainability, With Special Emphasis on Residential Neighborhood Walkability, Case Study: Sanandaj City
