Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd. Student of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Assistant Prof., Department of Buildings and texture, Cultural Heritage Research Center, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Prof., Department of Architecture, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran.

4 Assistant Prof. of Sociology, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran.


Permanent phenomena can take and load over time and become part of collective memories. Stability is a kind of historical continuity followed by cultural continuity. Various factors affect the survival of phenomena and purpose of this research is to identify these factors in architecture with emphasis on Tabriz Bazar architecture. The research method in this study is a descriptive – analytical and combination of qualitative and quantitative methods used to collect information by field method (observation, interviewing and questioning). The findings of the research indicate that the factors affecting the architecture of the Tabriz Bazar have been related to components of meaning and identity, functional and ultimately physical. Also, these approaches have the most effect on the variability of the unique nature of the work (beautiful form, creativity and innovation of the effect, the desired effect), memorability and creating a sense of belonging to space, combining with other spaces and functions (the existence of combinations) and the quality of presence of man m in the place. The results also show that the socio-cultural, economic and political evolutionary cycles such as values, customs, changes in social interactions and economic relations and the political system governing society have also had different positive and negative effects on the architecture of the Tabriz Bazar.

Graphical Abstract

Analysis of influential components in architectural stability of historical Bazars of Iran: the case of Tabriz historical Bazar
