Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tarbiat Modares UniversiPhd Student of Architecture, Architecture Department, Architectural Design, Modelling and Fabrication Studio, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof. of Architecture, architectural Design, Modelling and Fabrication Studio, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


This article analyzes the homogeneity and distribution of houses and its impact on the relationship between spaces with each other with the aim of identifying and analyzing their roles in the social relationship of traditional houses in order to use their dominant patterns in contemporary houses. The study is based on the theory of space configuration that is about the component of houses and the space relationship with other spaces is an approach to achieve the effect of spatial relationships in the social relations in houses. Identifying the factors effect on the homogeneity and disreputability using the difference factor is one of the most important components in this study. The method of this research is a combination of interpretive historical method with content analysis and logical reasoning techniques. Library studies, historical studies and simulation by using Grasshopper software with Space syntax plug-in, Depth map software and analysis the G-graph of 19 samples of Qajar houses in Kashan were utilized. The result shows that the amount of spatial regulation and the location of each space in determined depth have direct relations with social behavior. Also all of the studies traditional houses have high homogeneity and distribution in spatial configuration. Houses that have all public, semi-public, semi-private and private areas and appropriate relations between these areas have high homogeneity and differential factor.

Graphical Abstract

Evaluation of homogeneity and disreputability of the social sustainability in Persian traditional house: the case of Kashan
