Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof. of faculty of architecture, Iran university of science and technology.

2 PhD. student of architecture, faculty of architecture, Iran university of science and technology.

3 Associate Prof. of faculty of architecture, Iran university of science and technology


: Discomfort glare is a common problem in modern buildings with vast glasses which have a negative effect on the comfort of the inhabitants. The purpose of this research is to provide suitable patterns for optimizing the windows based on glare in educational buildings of Iran hot and dry climate. In order to conduct the research, critical times of glare were obtained using simulation. Then the combination of different factors was considered. The results show that only in the case of window to wall ratio of 30% with changing other factors, the desired glare interval is obtained and in other cases the results are not desirable. Therefore, the change in the physical characteristics of the window alone does not have the proper function of preventing glare. One of the best techniques in this field is to use light shelves. Using this technique in the window-to-wall ratio less than 60% reduces the amount of glare to imperceptible.

Graphical Abstract

Windows optimization based on the glare performance in educational building of Iran hot and dry climate
