Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D student of architecture, department of architecture ,Faculty of Architecture and art, west branch, Islamic Azad University ,Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof. of architecture, faculty of civil and art and architecture, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Prof. of urban design, faculty of Architecture and Urban, Central branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Changes in the scale of residence from single-family to multi-family, because of the growth of urbanization and different needs have led the urban planners and designers in design of residential complexes on the organization of spatial aspects of form and content (social) base in the concept of habitation. One of these aspects is presented in this paper. Social capital has different objective and mental aspects in residential complexes, consist of quantitative and qualitative features for public places and investigation of the background of the formation of neighborhood relations (values, norms, etc.) is necessary. The purpose of this study is to present communication model to understand the influential elements of functional and social domains in residential complexes. The research question is ‘how can we investigate the elements of social capital in residential complexes, design qualitative elements and explain the elements of social capital in the form of a communication model. After explaining the basic concepts and theories, the theoretical framework is justified by investigating the model through content validation and questionnaire filled by 25 experts and researchers in architectural and social fields. The result shows that there are different layers of social capital because of the level of social inclination and involvement of individuals in the form of social networks .These have been transformed in to a coherent system and a unified urban, ultimately modeling generalizations of content validity (CVR) equivalent to 0.8 improvement.

Graphical Abstract

Presentation of a communicational model for social capital and architectural model in residential complex based on social construction
