Document Type : Research Paper


1 Lecturer of Urban Design, Department of Art and Architecture, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.

2 Assistan Prof. of Urban Desin, Department of Art and Architecture, Yazd University, Yazd. Iran.


Security is one of the effective indicators for promoting the sustainability of settlements, especially the infrastructure needed for social, economic and physical prosperity in cities. This study tries to investigate the relationship between physical components affecting security and the sustainability of urban contexts, in the form of 6 components and 24 indicators. This is an applied research using survey method and correlation analyses. In order to analyze the relationship between security and the sustainability of historical contexts of the city of Yazd, the indicators of sustainability measurement were determined in 5 dimensions and then, using a questionnaire and physical data collection, the numerical value of the indicators was measured and then using the AHP technique and GIS software, the final weight of the indicators was determined and the sustainability maps were prepared. Multiple linear regression and Pearson correlation tests were to measure the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Furthermore, the Durbin–Watson test was used to examine the auto-correlation of variables and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test was used to determine the normal distribution of research data. Additionally, ANOVA was utilized to determine the significance of the multiple regression models. Research results indicate that, overall, the historic area of Yazd is relatively resilient, and the light indicator with Beta=0.576 and social supervision with Beta=0.502 have the highest direct and meaningful relationships with the escalation of sustainability in the historical area of Yazd. Also, the indicator of comprehensibility with Beta=0.352 has the lowest correlation with sustainability in the area.

Graphical Abstract

Evaluation and Analysis of the Relationship between Physical Components Affecting Security and the Sustainability of Historical Contexts, Case Study: Historical Contexts of Yazd City
