Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof. of Urban Design, ,Department of Art and Architecture, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran.

2 MA. Student of Urban Planing_ urban Planning, ,Department of Art and Architecture, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran.


Nowadays there is not enough understanding about the shaping of attachment and loyalty to urban spaces. This lack of attention leads to ignoring the importance of meaning in perceptional contexts and failure in receiving the meaning by the clients, altogether reducing the amount of attachment and loyalty to urban spaces. Therefore, this study is dedicated to exploring the relationship between vitality, security and place attachment, and loyalty in shahrdari square. Correlation test is applied in this research as the main statistic analysis tool and data are gathered by a questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire is tested by Cronbach's alpha (0.870); also the sample size of this study is determined by Cochran formulation. Correlation test, linear regression, data-model fitting factor, and SEM are applied as analysis methods. Findings show that the investigated variables have an important role in predicting the variance of loyalty and other behavioral factors of citizens. adjusted R-squared nearly to 1 is a prerequisite for regression and validity of the ANOVA test. β coefficient also meaningful when p

Graphical Abstract

exploring the relationship between place Attachment and Behavioral Loyalty with Vitality and Security in Urban Spaces (Case Study: Shahrdari Square, Rasht City)
