Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof of Architecture in Tarbiat Modares Uni.

2 MA of architecture, Tarbiat Modares Uni.

3 Associated Prof. of Architecture in Tarbiat Modares Uni.



Since 1970, a major worldwide is energy shortage along with the high consumption of energy in buildings. Architects are attempting to find solutions for managing buildings energy consumption.

Facades are borders between interior and exterior of buildings so they play an important role in promoting the quality of life and reducing energy consumption. Proper management of the building facade can reduce the building’s energy demand. In fact interaction with the environment occurs through façade of the building. Today occupants’ comfort can be optimized using kinetic architecture. The parametric nature of facades allows the movement of shading at different hours that can transform by describable codes for computers and movable robots. This causes applying dynamic system for energy optimization consumption in building facade. This research has done by simulation method and data analysis that has used Genetic Algorithm for achieving optimized states.

Information collecting methods are included librarian and internet resources and simulation proposed building and exerting different states of shadings and energy consumption measurement and visual comfort indicators. The hypothesis is about movable shadings optimize energy consumption in addition to visual comfort more than fixed shadings. Comparison of movable case with cases without shading shows a 32% reduction in energy consumption and 55% providing interior light.

Graphical Abstract

Energy consumption optimization and visual comfort in office space using dynamic shading devices


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