Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd candidate in Urbanism,, Faculty of Architecture & Urbanism, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Department of Urban studies, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Associate Professor in architecture and urban planning faculty, art university of Isfahan



Although city land use planning, particularly through mixed land use has turned into a significant planning program in the world, its relationship with place and spatial variables affecting the place of social activity has not yet received due attention. This research, while measuring the amount of mixed land use in Kerman historical Fabric, investigates its relationship with the formation of suitable place for social activities, because one of the conditions for creating cohesion in urban spaces is the space ability to support social activities and maintain them in itself. Therefore, the aim of this research is to identify susceptible areas for social activity in Kerman historical fabric. Research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and causal in terms of method. The data was collected by library and field methods (completing a questionnaire and field observations). SAW and AHP methods are used to analyze the questionnaires, and then with the urban network analysis model, places with high mix land uses are identified from the point of view of space users and experts. To investigate the spatial correlation between land uses from a spatial point of view, the local Moran index is also measured according to the access index and the weight of land use. Finally, according to the results obtained from the Moran index and urban network analysis, suitable places for social activities are identified. Based on the findings, the most mixed land uses place is Bazaar and then the streets in line with the east-west Bazaar of Kerman, which is very similar to the spatial correlation results obtained from local Moran's index. The best places for social activities according to the mixed land use and access (pedestrian, bicycle, proximity to the public transport station) and the area of land use are east-west Bazaar of Kerman, Arg and Ganjalikhan squares and the neighborhood center of Tah-bagh Laleh. The results showed that the Kerman Bazaar is still a central element in the urban structure that can support social activities. The element of new urban development, i.e. the street, can be a suitable area for social activities if it has a mixed and compatible land use and suitable facilities and services due to the needs of space users.


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