Document Type : Research Paper
1 Master's student, Energy Architecture, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran
2 Ph.D. student in Architecture, Department of Construction, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
3 Member of the academic staff of Tabriz University of Islamic Arts
Background and Objective: Attention to the building envelope as a key factor in improving the energy efficiency of buildings has increased; double-skin facades have a higher efficiency compared to single-skin facades in this regard. Double-skin facades play a fundamental role in protecting the indoor environment, absorbing solar energy, and ventilation. Therefore, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to the design and installation of double-skin facades to ensure proper performance under various conditions, and the use of simulation systems is the best method to ensure the performance of the facades. The aim of this research is to estimate energy consumption in an office building using double-skin facades (corridor and box window) in four different climates in Iran.
Material and Methodology: The research method in this article is based on simulation using Design Builder software and collecting library data for a five-story office building in each of the four climates in Iran for the cold season with both types of double-skin facades to calculate energy performance for minimum energy consumption.
Findings: The simulation results showed that the performance of the double-skin facade is dependent on its design and climatic conditions. In the cold and mountainous climate (Tabriz), a Box window double-skin facade with a depth of 70 centimeters on the southern facade demonstrated a 15 percent reduction in heating energy consumption and a 25.74 percent reduction in cooling energy consumption compared to a Corridor double-skin facade. In the hot and dry climate (Yazd), a similar performance was observed; the Box window facade was able to maintain the indoor temperature more optimally and resulted in a 15.91 percent decrease in cooling load and a 20.63 percent decrease in heating load. In the moderate and humid climate (Ramsar), the performance difference between the two types of double-skin facades was less significant; both types performed similarly. The Box window double-skin facade performed slightly better, leading to an 18.25 percent reduction in heating energy consumption and a 14.40 percent reduction in cooling energy consumption. In the hot and humid climate (Bandar Abbas), the cooling load was more important than the heating load; in this region, the Box window double-skin facade was able to reduce cooling energy consumption by about 3.94 percent, while its impact on reducing the heating load was negligible. In the overall conclusion, the Box window double-skin facade is a suitable option for cold and mountainous and hot and dry climates due to better temperature control, leading to reduced energy consumption. In moderate and humid climates, however, the use of this facade along with active systems such as solar collectors could lead to increased energy efficiency.
- Keywords: Corridor Double-Skin Facade
- Box Window Double-Skin Facade
- Energy Consumption Optimization
- Office Building
- Four Climates of Iran
Main Subjects