Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D candidate in architecture, Faculty of Architectural and Urban Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor ,Faculty of Architectural and Urban Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran



1- Introduction: Observing the proportions of the observed facades is one of the most important components of the visual environment, and their horizontal and vertical structure and arrangement have a significant impact on the sense of visual comfort of users. Today, in the design of building facades, empirical parameters are generally used and the analysis of the visual mechanism is not considered in order to improve human sensory-visual perception and maximize the adaptation of the man-made environment to visual mechanisms. For this purpose, the purpose of the research conducted is to pay attention to the physiological characteristics of the human eye in relation to the walls of the courtyards of Iranian mosques. By analyzing the sensory perception of the walls based on horizontal viewing angles, researchers seek to achieve proportions and design criteria through the aforementioned items; so that, along with other existing aesthetic criteria, the visual appearance of these spaces can be designed in greater accordance with the observer's visual pleasure.

2- Research Method: On this basis, after explaining the basic concepts and existing theories regarding the structure of the eye and visual angles, an attempt has been made to analyze the theoretical framework of the research using the deductive method and obtain a conclusion based on the horizontal viewing angle of visual perception. Then, from the analysis of the results and the alignment of the data, specific proportions for design have been achieved, and the research findings have been presented in the form of a conceptual model and, after prioritization, have been transformed into visual patterns using a qualitative method. Finally, while validating the content of the aforementioned model and in order to confirm or reject the hypothesis, the subject has been examined in the courtyard of twenty examples of historical comprehensive mosques in the form of an analysis of adaptability to the horizontal viewing angle of the eye.

3- Results and Discussion: Analysis of the existing theoretical foundations shows that the human eye has the most optimal state in receiving information from the walls at an angle of 30 degrees horizontally, including 15 degrees from the center of vision to the right and left. Also, in order to understand what the optimal state of vocabulary recognition range, color recognition, and binocular vision range would be, in addition to analyzing the courtyards of twenty examples of historical comprehensive mosques, four other landmark buildings were examined in detail. The studies showed that the most common and pleasant practical widths used by designers, if they enter the courtyard on the axis perpendicular to the building, are within the range of the optimal eye angle, which is explained in detail in the results of this study.

4- Conclusion: As a result, the proposal of this article is to control the optimal visual width of courtyards with the parameters of the observer's distance from the building and the optimal horizontal angle of eye rotation (proposed formula).


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