Document Type : Research Paper
1 Building Construction Company of Tehran
2 Department of Art and Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban, Islamic Azad University of Tehran Central
3 Department and Faculty of Art,Tarbiat Modares University of Tehran
4 Department of Architecture, College of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Tehran West Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Introduction: Studies of the historical course of architectural developments show that many residential buildings of the tradition period in the pre-Islamic and modern periods witness the use of proportions and modules (European and Iranian), which play an essential role in expressing spatial organization and presenting a shape pattern. The system of components and the whole in the use of spaces and functional hierarchies will have a constructive effect on unity and integration and coordination system. The main problem in this research is the non-adaptation of the geometric system in the traditional and modern periods and the changes in the spatial hierarchy system and the elimination of functions. The necessity and importance of researching the reading of plans in historic buildings with residential use in terms of shape pattern and geometric order is a witness of transformation in the contemporary period compared to the traditional period. In this research, an attempt will be made to explain the effective indicators of the geometric system of Iranian architecture and its use as a formative model in the dimensions of spaces.
Research method: The research method in this article is interpretive-historical, analogical, and inductive based on the seven steps, and the data analysis approach is library-type, and the research variables are quantitative and qualitative, and the research tool is objective.
Results and discussion: The hypothesis is that the investigation of the effective components of shape patterns and geometric order in residential houses of the traditional period will lead to the presentation of the optimal pattern in terms of spatial arrangement in the contemporary period.
Conclusion: The results of the research show that following the geometric proportions in the studied buildings from the Qajar and Pahlavi periods, in order of importance, followed the Iranian golden ratio (Iranian golden rectangle) and the European golden ratio, and the geometry of the mold was rectangular and spatially organized. It has followed the linear orientation
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