Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran

2 Associate Professor, Member of Department of Architecture, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran


Biological collections are the focal point for the emergence of behavioral diversity. The level of success in any bio space can be measured by the extent of the continuity of people in that space. According to experts, the bountiful presence of humans in every place represents the feeling of vitality and vitality of that space. The result of these three components is the emergence of happiness in space, a sense of vitality and excitement. The research method in this paper was qualitative-quantitative meta-analysis and a research tool for purposeful sampling with the method of statistical analysis of data. The findings of the research have shown that with the qualitative and quantitative study of the issues raised, in the field of the sense of vitality in residential areas and frequencies, it is possible to find the pathology and the necessary research to improve the quality of the living environment. According to the analysis of the views of the 12 experts, the three components of physical, social component and environmental component are the most effective components. The quantitative results of this study have shown that physical component is 74.42%, the social component is 18.61% and the environmental component is close to 7.00% in realizing the sense of vitality. After analyzing the findings and categorizing the necessary 15 effective indicators in the sense of vitality. The final achievement of this research is to explain the communication model between the factors contributing to the realization of vitality for residents of biological spaces.

Graphical Abstract

The factors contributing to the livability of inhabitants of residential spaces
