Document Type : Research Paper


1 master student, Iran university of science and technology, Iran, Tehran

2 Associate Professor of Architecture, Iran University of Science and Technology

3 Professor of Architecture, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran


Abstract: The current development policy in the country, has ignored the potential of historic textures. This ignorance resulted in the deterioration of historic fabrics more than any time before. There is a need to consider these precious properties, which are the symbol of sustainable development. Old neighborhoods in historic textures depicts the structural changes, since the first era of Pahlavi, in Social, Economical, Cultural and Physical aspects, which in turn caused the anomaly in their identity. The main purpose of this paper is making a connection between conservation and development based an sustainability, to correlate the existing properties and heritage assets in historic textures to new cities as original patterns. The analytical and interpretive research methodology is applied to pursue the objectives of this paper, in achieving the social, cultural and economical pathology. The final product of this research is suggesting strategies based on existing assets and properties and all other social, physical, economical and cultural capitals of historic textures.

Graphical Abstract

Historic Fabrics, Sustainable Capitals and Their Future 
(Case Study: Oudlajan Historic Neighborhood in Tehran)
