Document Type : Research Paper




The works of Islamic art have very attractive decorations that cover most of the aspect. Plaster design is one of the elements and techniques in the interior design of the buildings which used during Parthian period in Iranian architecture ever since the Ashkanian dynasty era. The Plaster decorations of the Islamic period were formed based on the history of pre-Islamic Plaster art in Iran, and its development evolved during the period of the Ilkhanis era until the Safavid period followed the same pattern and then it declined under the influence of the European art of Plaster decorations. The European influence on Plaster decorations were increased in the era of Qajar and separating it from the Traditional Plaster Design. This study examines the difference of plaster design in Bagh-e-Ferdows building in Tehran related to the Qajar era with Traditional Plaster Design? In this research, the fine art and technical methods of Traditional Plaster Design have been studied and compared. The results of study indicate that the design, symbolic of decorative features and the method of implementation have been removed from the traditional method in the framing of the Bagh-e-Ferdows, but in the context, it followed the symmetrical pattern.

Graphical Abstract

A Study of the significance of Traditional Plaster Design 
In the Architecture of Qajar dynasty era 

(case study: Bagh-e-Ferdows building in Tehran)
