Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A., Department of Urbanism, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad Uni., Mashhad, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof., Department of Urbanism, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad Uni., Mashhad, Iran.


Physical development of cities is a dynamic and continuous process with which the horizontal and vertical
development happen. This development process leads to plenty of changes in physical features on the surface of the earth, released energy, air pollution, heat and as a result climate change in cities. One of the biggest threats in urban development which leads to urban climate change is heat island. This phenomenon arises from destroying the natural covering of the surface of the earth which gives its place to roads, buildings, factories, and other urban installations. This study is done based on the evaluation effectiveness of spatial distribution of population on urban climate change on heat island operation. For this aim, the evaluation effectiveness of spatial distribution in thirteen districts in Mashhad, entropy relative coefficient is used and then the highest level of heat island by using Oke Model is calculated. Results of hierarchical cluster analysis showed that there was a relative relationship between spatial distribution of population and the heat island intensity which in some districts is direct and in some others is reversed. A more exact study with Spearman Correlation Coefficient showed a direct relationship and absolute pure density of population with antecedent intensity of heat island.

Graphical Abstract

The evaluation effectiveness of spatial distribution of population on urban climate change with emphasis on Heat Island
