Document Type : Research Paper


1 GIS Specialist, Department of Geomatics, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training Uni., Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Civil Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training Uni., Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Prof., Faculty of Geomatics, K.N. Toosi Uni. of Technology, Tehran, Iran.


This study intends to analyze the concept of buffer zone of historical monuments Buffer zone must be taken into consideration for documentation and conservation reasons and it is necessary for any kind of development and engineering activity to avoid the violation of buffer zone and landscape of cultural heritage. According to the international guidelines and scientific principles set by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), various buffer zones are defined for cultural heritage that for each of them special kind of conservation rules and limitations for construction activity and intervention are determined. Unfortunately, this issue has not been well considered in Iran, as a result, cultural heritage and related buffer zones as well as urban landscapes have been severely damaged and undergone crisis and even unrecoverable damages. The availability of maps representing vulnerability is quite necessary for conservation and management of historical monuments. These maps determine the level of damages imposed on cultural heritage due to different sources of risks. The cultural heritage managers and municipality authorities can make accurate, rapid and appropriate decisions on a sustainable city basis. Based on the spatial information and analysis, this research explores the cultural heritage buffer zones in order to identify and select the main factors affecting buffer zones and landscapes such as different land use types of parcels, status of facades in the buffer zone and parcels height and density. This subject is implemented and analyzed by means of determining the vulnerability of buffer zone and landscape of Toghrol Tower located in Rey, South Tehran. To achieve the goal, an expert Fuzzy system with respect to non-natural risks and man-made factors is used. Single inference method and spatial analyses together with raster calculations were used for producing the vulnerability maps. It was finally shown that only 6% buffer zones in district 20 of Tehran has remained undamaged and more than half of it suffers from intermediate or severe damage. This is a serious threat to cultural heritage and its surrounding environment. Moreover, according to the definition of the first and the second order buffer zones for Toghrol Tower that is set by ICHO, it was identified that the first order buffer zone has been moderately damaged and the second order buffer zone has been damaged in an intermediate level.

Graphical Abstract

Analysis of Buffer Zone Vulnerability for Documentation of Cultural Heritage (Case Study: Toghrol Tower)
