Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Geography, University of Tehran. Iran.

2 Prof. of Geography, University of Tehran. Iran.

3 Professor of Geography, University of Tehran, Iran.

4 PhD. candidate in Geography and urban planning, University of Tehran, Iran.


Place attachment is one of the complicated processes that forms from the relationship of human and environment. Because of establishing affective relationship, it will have positive behavioral implications on the environment. What contributes to strengthening place attachment and consolidates the links of residents with the place is an important achievement for urban planners in order to achieve a quality improvement of human habitation in the environment. This paper intends to investigate the effect of physical features of the place on place attachment in order to fulfill sustainable neighborhood. The research methodology is descriptive-analytical and it is practical in terms of purpose. After documentary studies, data was collected through a field survey in Ahwaz. Data collection tool was a questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and Amos graphic software.  The results show the amount of place attachment and satisfaction of physical features of place are significantly higher than the average in area studied here. Number of indicators (greater than 0.9) confirms the structural equation model developed for this study. The average of the variance explained for each structure ranges from 0.51 to 0.62. The study of the first and second hypotheses confirms the significant effect of physical components and the objective and subjective factors of it on place attachment. The proportion of subjective factors was greater for place attachment construct.

Graphical Abstract

Investigating the effect of physical components  on place attachment in order to fulfilling sustainable neighborhood, Case Study: Ahwaz City
