Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student, Department of Urban Development, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Urban Development, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Urban Development, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



Introduction: Lack of "vitality" is a type of poverty that threatens sustainable development. Nowadays, the promotion of "vitality" is followed as one of the most important goals of urban development programs. This is despite the fact that "urban vitality" has not been properly conceptualized in the theoretical field and a structured theoretical model has not been formulated, especially in the scale of urban spaces (as the most important centers of crystallization of urban vitality). Even in Iran, despite conducting numerous researches, for reasons such as the extreme quantification of most of these researches and the failure to understand or accept vitality as a "whole", the mentioned theoretical gap persists. Based on this, the necessity of explaining vitality based on a "holistic" theoretical lens and its appropriate conceptualization is felt more than ever.

Research method: The upcoming research aims to conceptualize vitality in the scale of urban space, through a theoretical-fundamental study and based on the content analysis method, in a structured way, it examines the global theoretical literature and on this basis, it explains the dimensions, criteria and indicators of urban vitality in the form of a dynamic conceptual model.

Results and discussion: Vitality at the scale of urban space can be conceptualized in the form of a "three-level dynamic model". The first level includes 3 dimensions of "physical-environmental", "functional-management" and "perception-meaning". the second level includes 15 criteria and the third level includes 55 indicators(with the ability to quantify in order to measure vitality). It is accompanied by "contextual indicators".

Conclusion: Based on the proposed conceptual model, urban vitality includes a set of multiple and interrelated factors. in other words, its comprehensiveness umbrella extends its to all the qualities related to an urban space, including physical, functional and semantic. on this basis, it is necessary to mention it under the title of "meta concept" or "umbrella term". This holistic view of urban vitality can limit the theoretical uncertainties and confusions surrounding it and help to unify its theoretical foundations.


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