Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof. of Tabriz Islamic Art Uni., Tabriz, Iran.

2 PhD. in Architecture, Associate Prof. of Tabriz Islamic Art Uni., Tabriz, Iran.

3 M.A. of Islamic Architecture, Tabriz Islamic Art Uni., Tabriz, Iran.


Setting of historical contexts of cities in all dimensions, as the legacy of our ancestors to the future generations has been associated with the historical-cultural values ​​and displays a set of teachings in the collective wisdom of human beings throughout history. Hence, the abandonment of the historical sites circumvents the contemporary men from using wisely the past experiences and locating in the path of historical continuity which is the secret of the survival of any culture. On the one hand, the significance of present research refers to the value and importance of setting of historical context in Saheb-al-Amr Square as one of the architectural and urban spaces of Tabriz in the past. According to the experts, this collection is the re-start of presence of urban open spaces after three decades in terms of absence of these spaces in the municipal engineering of Iran cities. On the other hand, the significance relates to the abnormal body of the present situation in the mentioned work in contemporary era. The research’s main purpose is to investigate the state of regeneration and in order to keep the sustainability as much as possible, in the modern body of Tabriz Saheb-al-Amr complex in terms of the features of the setting and the representation of regeneration strategies. The conceptual model is based on the descriptive-analytical research method, based on library studies in order to explain the concept of contextualization and to extract four major dimensions of contextualism including body-related, historical, socio-cultural and ecological dimensions as well as the intervention components and subcomponents of each dimension. After regulating the regeneration objectives at three large, medium and small scales based on field study, observation, and direct registration, the researcher analyzed the status quo of Saheb-al-Amr collection by means of SWOT table. In line with the large-scale objective and utilizing the contextualism approach for analyzing the revival condition, the results of the present study consist of the “recommended strategies of revival” in four body-related, historical, socio-cultural and ecological dimensions through medium and small scale objectives in order to finally achieve a generality on “revival condition” in this collection.

Graphical Abstract

Applying the contextualism approach in regeneration of historical textures
Case Study: Tabriz SAHEB-AL-AMR Square
