Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof. of Urban Planning, Architecture and Urban Planning Department, Uni. of Art, Tehran, Iran.

2 M.A. Urban Design, Architecture & Urban Planning Department, Uni. of Art, Tehran, Iran.


Space perception is an important issue in designing urban spaces. This means that urban designer should codify the space in such an appropriate process that it can be legible for users of spaces. Therefore, legibility is an important quality in designing urban spaces.  Signing has two important aspects: the influential factors that affect the legibility of signs from different users of space and also the location of signs that have effects on accessibility and visibility of the signs. This research emphasized on the second aspect of these dual principles of signing in urban spaces. In order to study this, district 1 of region 12 of Tehran Municipality was selected. The result of the first aspect presents the importance of distinctness, and uniqueness of the landmark. Meanwhile, in addition to functional, visual and semantic characteristic of a landmark, landmark location is an important criterion. The results of examining the location of space with Depth map software showed that access to the landmark and location of it in pedestrian path, has a specific rule on remaining the object in the mind and so the path becomes more legible and readable. So both aspects influence on signing pattern.

Graphical Abstract

An analysis on the Influence of Visibility and Accessibility to the City Landmarks for Increasing Environmental Legibility
