نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشیار، گروه شهرسازی، دانشکده هنر و معماری، دانشگاه یزد، یزد، ایران.

2 دانشجوی دکتری، گروه شهرسازی، دانشکده هنر و معماری، دانشگاه یزد، یزد، ایران.



مقدمه: تحرک مسکونی یا جابه ­جایی از یک‌ خانه به خانه دیگر یا از یک محله به محله دیگر در درون شهرها، نوعی تحرک بوم ­شناختی است که در شکل­ گیری و تغییر شکل محیط­ های کالبدی و اجتماعی شهر نقش عمده­ای دارد. بینش روسی (1955) نقطه آغاز مباحث تحرک سکونتی است. از آن زمان، پژوهش‌های متعددی به بررسی علل و پیامدهای این پدیده پرداخته­ اند، لیکن، تاکنون واکاوی در پژوهش‌های پیشین با هدف استخراج و ارائه نتایج حاصل انجام نشده است، بنابراین، پژوهش حاضر با هدف شرح پژوهش‌های موجود پیرامون تحرک مسکونی و نتایج آن‌ها در دو حوزه علل و پیامدها در قالب مرور نظام ­مند انجام شد.
روش تحقیق: روش پژوهش، توصیفی و بر مبنای 79 پژوهش منتخب موجود است که منابع لاتین در بازه 2000 تا 25 نوامبر 2023 از پایگاه اطلاعاتی Scopus و Scholar Google و منابع فارسی از سال 1390 تا 4 آذر 1402 از پایگاه نورمگز و SID انتخاب‌شده‌اند.
نتایج و بحث: یافته‌های پژوهش نشان داد: 20٪ پژوهش‌های تحرک سکونتی داخلی، سال 1401 و 11٪ پژوهش‌های خارجی، سال 2017 به چاپ رسیده است و سه کشور بریتانیا، ایران و آمریکا به ترتیب با سهم 23٪، ٪22 و 9% پیش­گام مطالعات تحرک مسکونی هستند. همچنین، 6٪ پژوهش‌های لاتین در مجله Housing Studies و 3٪ پژوهش‌های داخلی در مجله اقتصاد و مدیریت شهری به چاپ رسیده است. نتیجه کاربرد نرم‌افزار Vos viewer معرفی 10 خوشه است که در آن علل و پیامدهای پدیده تحرک مسکونی از منظر پژوهش‌های پیشین معرفی ‌شده‌اند.
نتیجه ­گیری: نتایج حاصل از بررسی عوامل و پیامدهای تحرک سکونتی از منظر پژوهش‌های پیشین نشان داد به ترتیب 30٪ و 22٪ پژوهش‌ها بر بعد اقتصادی و اجتماعی متمرکز هستند و اثرات درمانی و مهاجرتی از مهم‌ترین پیامدها محسوب می ­شوند.

چکیده تصویری

مروری سیستماتیک بر عوامل و پیامدهای تحرک مسکونی در شهرها



عنوان مقاله [English]

Systematic Review of the Factors and Consequences of Residential Mobility in Cities

نویسندگان [English]

  • Najma Esmailpoor 1
  • Mahsa Dehghanian 2


2 PhD student, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.

چکیده [English]

Introduction: Housing has the most subtleties and complexities due to its continuous connection with people's lives. Historical, cultural, social and environmental contexts are among the factors that are very effective in the formation of housing. There are two types of residential mobility including intra-urban and extra-urban mobility. In the first type, where the residential movement takes place inside the city, the research around it is the main concern of urban planners and it is largely responsible for changing the socio-economic patterns of the neighborhood and is generally related to the deterioration of the central areas of the cities. Although, during the last few decades, a high share of researches in prestigious international journals as well as scientific-research articles in domestic journals of the country have been dedicated to this field. So far, there has been no independent research to extract the causes and consequences of this phenomenon through the analysis of the results of previous researches. Therefore, a coherent analysis of existing researches in the field of residential movements in cities is important. In this regard, the current study aims to "present the factors affecting residential mobility in cities and its consequences in previous studies through a systematic review after classifying the characteristics of existing studies". In this regard, the research questions have been formulated as follows: From the perspective of previous studies, what factors have caused residential mobility in cities? And based on their results, what are the consequences of residential mobility in different cities?
Research Method: The research method used in this systematic review is qualitative, which is used to investigate phenomena and identify categories based on research literature. This method is especially useful when the research literature in the field of the studied phenomenon is rich. In such a situation, it is possible to identify, classify and summarize the underlying categories of the studied phenomenon with a systematic method. Systematic review is used when the need to answer a research question is felt based on the assessment and review of all previous researches without a particular direction.
Results and discussion: The highest number in domestic research is related to 1401 with 3, 1397, 1393 and 1390 with 2 articles and in Latin research related to 2021 with 8 and 2017 with 7 articles. The geographical distribution of studies related to residential mobility is diverse, and research related to residential mobility has been conducted in several countries from 2000 to 2023. Most of them were concentrated in Europe and the UK, while the rest were mainly in America and East Asia. . The largest number of articles in this field have been published in the Persian articles of the Journal of Urban Economics and Management and in the Latin articles of the Journal of Urban Studies and Housing Studies.
Conclusion: The results show that 30% and 22% of the researches are focused on the economic and social aspects, respectively, and the effects of treatment and migration are also among the most important consequences. Considering that developed countries research in the field of residential mobility, it is expected that these studies will attract more attention in the future. The research, which includes descriptive and statistical analyses, provides "a broad overview of residential mobility studies and additional insights for future research."

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Residential Mobility
  • Intra-Urban Mobility
  • Factors and Consequences
  • Urban
  • Systematic Review