نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکترای معماری، واحد خلخال، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، خلخال ، ایران.

2 استادیار، گروه معماری، واحد یادگار امام خمینی (ره) شهرری، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران.

3 استادیار، گروه مرمت، دانشکده معماری و شهرسازی، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تهران، ایران.



مقدمه: از آن جایی که تعالیم اسلامی بر فضاهای زیستی از جمله مسکن تأثیر بسیار مفید و مثبتی دارد؛ لذا مطالعه و پژوهش در این‌ مورد مهم است. آموزه‌های اسلامی ارائه شده در قرآن مجید و کلام معصومین راهبردهای مفهومی و عملی مشخصی را به ‌صورت اصولی فرا زمانی و فرا مکانی ارائه داد که به‌ شرط درک صحیح و رعایت اصول و استنباط صحیح قابل‌بهره‌برداری است.
روش تحقیق: جهت تبیین مسأله پژوهش، با استفاده از روش نظریه‌پردازی داده ‌بنیاد متنی با مطالعه و تعمق در نصوص اسلامی نحوه دستیابی به مسکن مطلوب بررسی شد.
نتایج و بحث: یافته‌های پژوهش منجر به تدوین معیارهای دستیابی به ساخت مسکن مطلوب اسلامی شد که متضمن ارزش‌ها و هویت اسلامی و در تعامل با محیط پیرامون آن است. این یافته ­ها در قالب یک الگوی کدگذاری و نگارش و سازماندهی داده‌ها در یک دسته‌بندی کلی‌تر و محدودتر قرار گرفت. نتایج پژوهش نشان می‌دهد که شاخص‌های دین‌داری و معنویت‌گرایی، رعایت توازن و الگوی صحیح مصرف، طراحی و ساخت منطبق با محیط ‌زیست، احترام به بافت طبیعی و تاریخی، پیوند مسکن و طبیعت، انسجام و وحدت‌گرایی، تعامل اجتماعی مسکن و همسایگان، اخلاق‌گرایی و رعایت حقوق دیگران، اصول اساسی در دست­یابی به ساخت مسکن مطلوب اسلامی هستند که باید در ساخت مسکن مد نظر قرار گیرند.
نتیجه ­گیری: با توجه ‌به اندیشه حاکم بر طراحی و ساخت مسکن معاصر، به‌کارگیری اصول ساخت مسکن مطلوب اسلامی می‌تواند به بازگرداندن هویت اسلامی به آثار معماری، ترویج معنویت‌گرایی، کاهش آسیب به طبیعت، رعایت حقوق دیگران، احیای فرهنگ اسلامی در عین بهبود روابط و تعاملات اجتماعی به‌منظور توسعه ساخت مسکن مطلوب اسلامی کمک نماید.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Conceptualizing the components of desirable housing according to Islamic historical texts based on Grounded theory analysis*

نویسندگان [English]

  • Hadis Soloukaneh Miandoab 1
  • Ali Akbari 2
  • Sajjad Moazen 3

1 Ph.D. Student of Architecture of Department of Architecture, Khalkhal Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal, Iran.

2 Department of Architecture, Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Department of Buildings renovation, School of Architecture and Environment Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

چکیده [English]

By carefully examining the verses and hadiths and based on the correct inference from Islamic teachings, patterns and principles can be extracted as architectural design and construction plans, which have always been prominent throughout history as a lifestyle and guide for Muslim architects. (Bamanian et al., 1389: 147) If specific standards and principles based on Islamic texts are formulated for housing; By applying these features to different times and places, it is possible to make the right and appropriate decision in the design and construction of the desired housing; Therefore, this research aims to explain the components of building a suitable housing based on Islamic texts by referring to Islamic texts and correct inference from verses and traditions. Therefore, the problem that forms the main question of this research is "what are the components and criteria for building a desirable house and the correct inference from Islamic teachings in order to obtain basic strategies in building a house".
Research Method:
According to the intended purpose, the present research has been carried out with a qualitative approach and a text-based data method1, which collects information by using library and documentary sources and preparing receipts from authentic Islamic sources about the Holy Quran, verses and authentic traditions. Database theory is one of the most important strategies of qualitative research. The final goal of this strategy in this article is to formulate the principles and requirements of action in the matter of building desirable housing, which is done inductively. Therefore, the verses and narrations related to the research topic were examined and in order to reach the conceptual framework and theory, axial coding was used in the form of the "Strauss and Corbin" paradigm model. Therefore, coding has been done in three stages: open, central and selective. To better understand the first stage (open coding) and the second stage (central coding), it should be said: in open coding, the foundations and indicators mentioned in the hadiths and hadiths with the help of interpretations in the texts Religion was extracted. In classifying the concepts obtained from the text, a title was assigned to each concept. Therefore, axial coding was done to transform sub-concepts into more main categories. Finally, the third step is selective coding, which includes the process of refining the categories and linking them together. At this stage, by aggregating and communicating between the categories, indicators and action criteria have been explained for building a desirable housing. In fact, it is at this stage that the researcher reaches the theory based on his data. Therefore, by extracting the principles and indicators from authentic verses and narrations, we tried to identify the necessary measures to fulfill the order of building the desired house from the perspective of religious texts, and finally, after conceptualizing and categorizing the concepts, we identified the criteria for the order of building the desired house. It should be taken into account and compiled.
Results and discussion:
According to the topics raised, forgetting the real world and just ideation cannot be a solution, in fact, it is the interaction and influence of these components on each other that can guide us in achieving the ideal housing model. Paying attention to the change in lifestyle and the limitations of today's world on the one hand and trying to correct individual and social behaviors such as the tendency to boast or narcissism by appealing to Islamic moral and value principles on the other hand, as well as being aware of the consequences of the culture of consumerism and fashionism in addition to the issue of aggression Western culture can be helpful in taking basic steps to improve the conditions. Paying attention to these variables along with paying attention to Islamic guidelines and using effective and foundational variables can help in achieving the ideal housing construction model based on Islamic texts. The results and consequences of achieving such a model will be to restore the identity to the architectural works, reduce the damage to the pristine natural environment and the revival of Islamic culture. At the same time, this model will have many social and spiritual effects, such as increasing spiritualism, interaction with the spiritual-faith status, historical, social and security status of the individual, and it will also cause economic development of the country in various fields, including energy efficiency and conservation of natural resources.
 In fact, the ideal housing is a housing that has a correct relationship and comprehensive interaction with its surrounding environment, and to achieve such a housing, Islam proposes principles, the most important of which are religiosity and spirituality, observing the balance and correct pattern of consumption, design and construction in accordance with The environment, respect for the natural and historical context, the connection between housing and nature, cohesion and unity, social interaction between housing and neighbors, ethics and respecting the rights of others are worth mentioning. Also, looking at today's housing shows that with the changes in society's conditions and people's way of life, in contemporary housing, attention to various aspects of life, including interaction with the environment from a social, religious, cultural and biological point of view, has been interrupted and theology and spirituality have been forgotten. In addition to individualism, not observing the principle of balance and disconnection with nature are the most important factors that have disrupted this interaction and correct communication, and returning to religious identity and using Islamic teachings can help us in achieving the desired housing. Based on what has been said, we can come to the conclusion that it will be possible to realize the construction of desirable housing in the shadow of faith and religion and by observing the fundamental principles based on the text extracted from reliable religious sources.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • "Islamic housing"
  • "Residential architecture"
  • "Islamic texts"
  • "Architecture and Islamic concepts"
  • "Housing construction"